- Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte – HU Berlin - http://www.kunstgeschichte.hu-berlin.de -

Unwetter – Artist Talk mit Jakob Schillinger und Katharina Ziemke

Date(s) - 01/11/2023
19:30 - 20:00

HU Hauptgebäude, Lichthof Ostflügel [1]
auf Google-Maps ansehen [2]


Unwetter – Artist Talk
im Rahmen der Berlin Science Week 1-10 2023 [4]

Art historian Jakob Schillinger and artist Katharina Ziemke in conversation

What does the climate catastrophe mean for current artistic practice? Is there an ecological aesthetic? What is the relationship between art and science? To kick off Science Week, artist Katharina Ziemke and art historian Jakob Schillinger talk about the exhibition Unwetter as part of the Open Humboldt Initiative and the questions it raises.

Event [5]

This is an in-person event. Attending the event is free of charge and requires no registration. The event is accessible for both English and German speakers.

The university building is not wheelchair accessible.