- Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte – HU Berlin - https://www.kunstgeschichte.hu-berlin.de -

Künstlergespräch: Hans-Christian Schink in conversation with Dr. Olga Smith

Date(s) - 26/10/2016
19:00 - 21:00

Tieranatomisches Theater des Helmholtz-Zentrum [1]
auf Google-Maps ansehen [2]


Künstlergespräch:Hans-Christian Schink [4]

Relating to Landscape.

Hans-Christian Schink in conversation with Dr. Olga Smith

The question of relating to landscape, through ethical, emotional and intellectual engagement on behalf of the artist, will be focus of this talk. This question will be explored with reference to the photographic series “Verkehrsprojekte Deutsche Einheit” (1995-2003) by Hans-Christian Schink, present in the exhibition.

https://www.kulturtechnik.hu-berlin.de/de/content/longing-landscape-landschaftsfotografie-im-anthropozan_2/ [5]

Olga Smith writes and lectures on contemporary art and photography. She is currently based at the Humboldt University where she holds a postdoctoral fellowship. Trained as art historian at the University of Cambridge, she has previously worked at Tate Gallery London. Her current research projects include representations of landscape in photography from the 1980s to the present day.

The event is part of the exhibition “Longing for Landscape — Photography in the Anthropocene” taking place in Tieranatomisches Theater that is connected to the Hermann von Helmholtz-Zentrum. The Show is curated by three alumni of the IKB, Hanna Dölle, Katherina Perlongo and Annika Turkowski.

Ort: Tieranatomisches Theater Berlin-Mitte, historischer Saal 1. OG, Philippstraße 12-13.