Academic CV


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Studied Art History, Classical Archaeology and Geochemistry at Università di Trieste (Italy) and the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Universität Bonn (Germany).

Ph.D. (Promotion) in Geochemistry and Classical Archaeology, Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, “Stable Isotopic Composition of the Lower Continental Crust of Sri Lanka”, 1990

Ph.D. (Promotion) in Art History, Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, “Ikonographie eines Wandels. Porträt und Selbstporträt des Bildhauers im Italien des 16. Jahrhunderts”,1998

‘Habilitation’ in Art History, Freie Universität Berlin, 2009


Positions held

Summer Term 2017 Guest Professor for Art History at Kunsthistorisches Institut, Freie Universität BErlin

2010-2016  Heisenberg Fellow at the Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte / Institute of art and Visual History, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Trinity Term 2016 Invited Academic Visitor at the Centre for Visual Studies, History of Art Department, University of Oxford.

Michaelmas Term 2011 and Trinity Term 2012 Invited Academic Visitor at the Centre for Visual Studies, History of Art Department, University of Oxford.

Since 2009 Privatdozentin for Art History at Freie Universität Berlin, Art History Department.

2003-2009 Lecturer in Art History at Freie Universität Berlin, Art History Department.

2003-2008 Affiliated Scholar at Department II of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science – MPIWG Berlin.

2002-2003 Lecturer in Art History at Augsburg University, Art History Department.

2002 Research Fellow of the German Science Foundation – DFG at Freie Universität Berlin, Art History Department and at Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science – MPIWG Berlin.

1998-2003 Lecturer in Art History at Stuttgart University, Art History Department.

1998-2000 Research Fellow of the State of Bavaria at Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich.

1993-1995 Research Fellow of Cusanuswerk at Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Art History Department.

1991-1992 Research Consultant at German Research Foundation / Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – DFG, Bonn.

1987-1990 Research Associate in Stable Isotope Geochemistry at Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Institute of Petrology.


Selected Memberships and Honours

Nominated member of  AcademiaNet – Expert Database of Outstanding Female Scientists and Scholars upon nomination by the German Research Foundation – DFG, since 2013.

Heisenberg Fellowship of the German Research Foundation / Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – DFG, 2010-2016.

Referee for Leonardo Journal; Studies in History and Philosophy of Science; Nuncius.

Member of DELOS – Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries, funded by the European Commission’s Information Society Technologies 5th Framework Programme (IST-FP5), since 2007.

Research Fellow of the German Science Foundation – DFG , 2002.

Research Fellow of the State of Bavaria, Germany, 1998-2000.

Research Fellow of Cusanuswerk, 1993-1995.

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