Selected Lectures


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BERLIN, Universität der Künste – UdK, Institut für Geschichte und Theorie der Gestaltung, 24.11.2016 (eingeladener Vortrag im Workshop „Iconoscape I – Medien Moderner Landschaftserfahrung“):  Erinnerungslandschaften: Orte zwischen Skizze und Fotografie.

KÖLN, Universität zu Köln, 7.-8.4.2016 (Invited speaker at the Workshop “Handbuchwissen. die Fotografie als angewandte Wissenschaft”): Zwischen Skepsis und Praxis – Optische Zeichenhilfen in Lehrbüchern 1800-1850.

NEW YORK, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 22.10.2014 (Invited speaker at the „Banbury Meeting: Interdisciplinary, International Conference on Creativity“): The Mind’s Eye? Questions about Imaging and Creativity.

BERLIN, Humboldt-Universität zu BerlinInstitut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte, 9.4.2014 (Interdisciplinary, International Conference Visualization: a critical survey of the concept / Visualisierung: eine begriffskritische Bestandsaufnahme, co-organized with James Elkins – School of the Art Institute of Chicago -, Seminar Three “Reconceptualization of Visualizations” (with Fabian Goppelsröder, Universität Potsdam).

MADISON/WI, Department of German, University of Wisconsin, 26.9.2013 (Keynote Lecture, Wisconsin Workshop “Speak that I May See You!” Intuition and Visualization / “’Rede, dass ich Dich sehe!’ Anschauung und Anschaulichkeit)More than Visualizing: Seeing, Drawing, and the Induction of Visibility.

PHILADELPHIA/PA, Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, 21.9.2012 (working opening of “Enchanted Drawing II – Animation across the Disciplines”, Part Two of Enchanted Drawing – Animation as Imaging Culture, a collaborative Project of the Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte – IKB, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Institute of the History of Art / Cinema Studies, University of Pennsylvania): Keep on Framing the Mesh. Opening Remarks and the results of Enchanted Drawing I – Framing Animation As An Imaging Culture.

BERLIN, IKB – Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte / Institute of Art and Visual Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 8.3.2012 (working opening of “Enchanted Drawing I – Framing Animation as an Imaging Culture”, Part One of Enchanted Drawing – Animation as Imaging Culture, a collaborative Project of the Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte – IKB, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Institute of the History of Art / Cinema Studies, University of Pennsylvania): Introduction as a notice of Intent. Animation as Cultural Set.

OXFORD, History of Art Department, University of Oxford, 21.11.2011 (Invited Lecture at the Open Lecture Series Art History: Concepts and Methods“: The Knowledge of Images. On Bildwissenschaft.

OXFORD, History of Art Department, University of Oxford, 15.11.2011 (Invited Lecture at the Course Seminar „Theories of Vision: The Eye and the Gaze”: Cameras and Seeing. Two Modes in comparison.

OXFORD, History of Art Department, University of Oxford, 8.11.2011 (Invited Lecture at the Departmental Research Seminar Series: Induction of Visibility – An Attempt at the Notion of Aesthetic-Epistemic Action.

BERLIN, Medienhaus, Universität der Künste – UDK Berlin, 19.10.2011 (Vorlesung im Berufungsverfahren für die W2-Professur „Theorie und Geschichte der visuellen Kultur“ an der Fakultät Gestaltung, Institut für Geschichte und Theorie der Gestaltung): Auf dem Weg zur visuellen Kultur. Eine Absichtserklärun.

BERLIN, IKB – Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte / Institute of Art and Visual Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 17.5.2011: Weltversionen erzeugen. Fragen zur Wirksamkeit von Bildprozessen.

PARIS, Centre Alexandre Koyré, 7.4.2011 (Invited Lecture at the Lecture Series “Voir / Savoir. Nouvelles Perspectives sur le Visuel dans les Sciences” of the EHSS – École des hautes études en sciences sociales): Imaging / Imagining. Drawing Processes and the Creation of Efficacy.

BERLIN, Martin-Gropius-Bau, 29.10.2010 (Invited response to Michael Hagner’s Zellen vor dem Bild. Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Neuroästhetik, conference of the Series  “Alles sehen – Bildanalysen der Gegenwart. Zur Aktualität der Kunstgeschichte”: Neuroästhetik und Bildgeschichte.

BASEL, Schaulager, 27.8.2010 (Key Note Lecture at “The Efficacy of Images”, Summer School 2010 of The National Centre of Competence in Research – NCCR “eikones / Iconic Criticism – The Power and Meaning of Images”, Universität Basel (CH): “Ways of Worldmaking”, oder: Die Wirksamkeit der Bildprozesse” – “Ways of Worldmaking”, or: The Efficacy of Imaging Processses.

BERLIN, Centre Marc Bloch, 2.-3.7.2010 (Invited speaker at the conference “La légitimité de l’art et des savoirs // Formen des Wissens: Die Legitimität der Kunst”, Atelier 1 of the PROGRAMME CIERA UFA Formation-recherche “Arts et Savoirs”, organized jointly by Université de Lyon 2, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and Centre Marc Bloch Berlin ): Legitime Wissensbilder? Ein Vorschlag zur ästhetisch-epistemischen Aktion. / Legitimate Images of Knowledge? A Proposition on aesthetic-epistemic Actions.

BERLIN, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 24.6.2009 (Invited speaker at the conference “Photography & the Aesthetics of Objectivity”): Aesthetic Epistemology and Versatile Objectivity: Santiago Ramón Y Cajal’s Ways to Visual Evidence.

PARIS, Institut Pasteur, 19.-21.3.2009 (invited speaker at the international conference “Microscopic Slides II: investigating a neglected historical resource”, organized jointly by the “International Max Planck Research Network History of Scientific Objects” and the Institut Pasteur, Paris): From the specimen to the drawing and back: Santiago Ramón y Cajal’s eye training.

BERLIN, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science – MPIWG, 11.-15.6.2008 (invited speaker at the international conference “Cultures of Seeing 3D and Beyond“, organized by Science Center, Tartu University Library, Tartu/Estonia; INSERM ERM206 – TAGC, Marseille; Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin; Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research, Altenberg/Austria): “Placing oneself at an adequate point of view”. Santiago Ramón y Cajal on microscopic vision and drawing.

BERN, Institut für Kunstgeschichte – IKG der Universität Bern, 23.4.2008 (invited public lecture in the Lecture Series “Optical Concepts / Conceptual Optics from Antiquity to Modernity. Contributions to a common Enquiry”): Modus Videndi. Eine historische Betrachtung zwischen Sehen, Verbildlichen und Wissen, in drei Akten.

KÖLN, Zentrum für Moderneforschung der Universität Köln, 3.-5.3.2008 (invited speaker at the international conference “Die Lesbarkeit der Romantik. Material, Medium und Diskurs”): John Herschels Beobachtungspoetik.

DESSAU, Anhaltische Gemäldegalerie, 18.9.2007, also Görlitz, Kulturhistorisches Museum, 29.6.2007 (invited speaker for the opening of the exhibition „’Mit der Natur innig vertraut’. Christoph Nathe – Landschaftszeichner der Vorromantik“): Studieren und Bewundern. Christoph Nathe und seine Orte.

BERLIN, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science – MPIWG, 24.-25.5.2007 (invited speaker at the Workshop “Datensicherung. Schreiben und Zeichnen als Verfahren der Aufzeichnung”, organised by the Research Initiative „Knowledge in the Making. Drawing and Writing as Research Techniques“ at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science – MPIWG and Art History Institute in Florence – Max Planck Institute / MPI): “Zeichnen und Sehen”. Überlegungen zum Primärcharakter der Datenaufnahme am Camera Lucida –Mikroskop.

NAPOLI, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, 17.-20.5.2007 (invited speaker at the Workshops ”Graphing Genes, Cells and Embryos” cosponsored by Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples and Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin):Observation and Judgment – Why Did a Prism Matter in Microscopical Drawing?

LONDON, London School of Economics – LSE, 23.1.2007 (invited lecture for the Public Research Seminar of the LSE Research Group “How well do facts travel?”): Image and Word. Robert Hooke’s Strategy of Knowledge Communication.

LONDON, Courtauld Institute of Art and London School of Economics – LSE, 22.-23.6.2006 (invited speaker for the key-note panel Shaping the Mind – Imagining the World: Perception, Cognition and Representation in the Arts and Sciencesat the Conference “Beyond Mimesis and Nominalism: Representation in Art and Science”, co-sponsored by Courtauld Institute of Art Research Forum, London School of Economics, Institute of Philosophy of the University of London, Imperial College London – e-Research Centre): Visual Membranes. Optical Drawing Devices and the ‘Subjective Objectivity’ of Vision and Representation in Early Nineteenth Century.

UTRECHT, Universiteitsmuseum, 15.4.2006 (invited Lecture at the Symposium of the Uqbar Foundation “A For Alibi”, 15 – 16 April 2006): Varying the Points of View – Negotiations Between Vision and Representation in History.

BERLIN, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science – MPIWG, 14.12.2005 (Workshop “How do Facts Travel?”, organized by MPIWG and London School of Economics – LSE): Commerce and the Spreading of Knowledge– Giovanni Battista Amici’s Sales Promotion Travels.

KARLSRUHE, ZKM-Zentrum für Kunst- und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe, 7.-8.5.2005 (invited speaker at the conference “The Picture’s Image. Wissenschaftliche Visualisierung als Komposit”): Instruments as devices of judgement? Drawing with the Camera lucida as composite procedure – now and then

MÜNCHENHistorisches Kolleg, 3.-5.6.2004 (invited speaker at the interdisciplinary conference “Verfeinertes Sehen. Optik und Farbe im 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert”):“Tasteless, insipid correctness” or “delicacy of discrimination”? Camera Obscura vs. Camera Lucida.

ROMA, Danish Academy, 5. – 7.6.2003 (invited speaker at the international conference “Internazionalismo e arti nazionali: Lo sviluppo di nuovi linguaggi artistici all’inizio dell’Ottocento a Roma. Due Giornate di Studio in relazione alla mostra La Maestà di Roma: da Napoleone all’unità d’Italia”): Scambio di vedute. Ruolo e significato degli strumenti ottici per il disegno (Points of view. Role and significance of optical drawing devices).

FIRENZE, Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento, 7.-9.11.2002 (invited speaker at the international conference “Il ritratto nell’Europa del Cinquecento. Arti, letteratura, società”): Artistic Identity Through the Paradox of Media. Painted Portraits of Venetian Sculptors and the Bozzetto’s Role.

FIRENZE, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz– Max Planck Institute / MPI, 7.-12.10.2002 (invited speaker at the international conference “La Pittura Italiana nell’Ottocento”): Conoscenza ed esperienza: Approcci al paesaggio. Giacinto Gigante e la Camera Lucida. (Inquiry and experience. Approaches to landscape. Giacinto Gigante and the Camera Lucida).

FIRENZE, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz– Max Planck Institute / MPI, 9.5.2001 (invited speaker at the „Wissenschaftskolloquium“): Sammler oder Künstler? Eine Neudeutung für Birmingham, oder: Bartolomeo dalla Nave ist Alessandro Vittoria.

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