Jenny Tang

Jenny Tang

Foto: privat

Foto: privat

Raum 3.26
Tel.: 030.2093-66235
Fax: 030.2093-66204

Jenny Tang is the Terra Foundation for American Art Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Her teaching and scholarship interrogate how changing regimes of state and polity have shaped the artist, the work of art, and the history of art as a discipline, with an emphasis on comparative analyses of race and gender. She is currently at work on “Body Without Form: The Specter of the US Citizen in Modern Art,” a book on modernist aesthetics of the body in painting, sculpture, and visual culture as seen through the material history of American citizenship. Her research in development further examines the relationship between artistic production and the social reproduction of mobility for some bodies, along with incarceration and confinement for others.