Beiträge/Papers 2018

V. Internationales Doktorandenforum Kunstgeschichte des östlichen Europas / V International Forum for Doctoral Candidates in East European Art History

Beiträge/Papers 2018


Antal, Barbara: Die neuen Baumaterialien in Bezug zur nationalen Formensprache in der ungarischen Architektur um 1900

Árvai, Maria: History Meets Memory. Lili Ország’s Art

Bérešová, Simona: Fotografie und Film an der Kunstgewerbeschule in Bratislava

Binder, Carolin: Der Devětsil-Kreis und das Bauhaus. Netzwerk, Austausch, Abgrenzung

Bonin, Christianna: Pictures of Wool. Art, Craft and Politics in the Soviet Union, 1917-75

Bogojević, Anja: Socially Engaged Art in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Period between the Two World Wars (1918-1941)

Bukauskaitė, Evelina: Influence of Lithuanian Jewish Artists on Lithuania Art Modernization in Period of 1918-1940

Bytelová, Denisa: Long Term Autonomous Zone. Analysis of a Vision for a New Culture and its Place by Sráč Sam

Čelovski, Aleksandra: Politics of Visual Representation and Habsburg Noblemen of Serbian Ethnic Origin in the 18th Century

Chizhova, Anna: Typical and Individual in the Soviet Statuary of the 1920s

Curcă, Roberta: Communist Monumental Welcome Signs and Border Marks in Romania. A Cultural Heritage at the Margins

Ethemi, Dita: Art and Activism (Protest through Art) – “Modern and Contemporary Art Scene in Kosova from 1990-2010”

Ficková, Barbora: Formation of the Canon of Czech Modern Art History

Franetovich, Alessandra: The Archive as Device to Self-Institutionalisation. Vadim Zakharov and the Archive of Moscow Conceptualism

Gadó, Flóra: Artistic Re-Enactment as a Critical Strategy to Deal with the Past in Contemporary Art

Geibinger, Franziska: Die Darstellung der Erhebung der haarigen Maria Magdalena in ihrer Entwicklung zum bestimmenden „Andachtsbild“

Gkitsa, Dimitra: Collective Curating in the Post-Socialist Space. Memory, Transition, Self-Organization

Głowacki, Wojciech: Contemporary Religious Architecture in Polish Public Discourse 1945-1989

Gurevich, Sofia: The Form and Content of the Early Soviet Book. A Study through the Country’s Publishing Industry Institutions of the 1920s and 1930s

Guy, Nicola: Exhibiting a New City. Representations of Radical Politics and Activism within Contemporary Art Exhibitions in Post-Unification Berlin

Ivić, Ines: The Birth of a National Saint. The Cult of Saint Jerome in the Eastern Adriatic Coast in the Late Middle Ages

Jonas, Lorena: Raum-Zeit in der Zwischenkriegsavantgarde. Wissenschaftsdrang und Experiment auf dem Weg zur vierdimensionalen Kunst

Jonigkeit, Caroline: Die Moskauer Metro (1931–1954). Einordnung in die Architektur des Sozialistischen Realismus Moskaus

Juhos, Rózsa: Mittelalterliche Heiliggräber. Die Rekonstruktionsmöglichkeiten der ursprünglichen Benutzung

Kaljula, Liisa: Estonian Sots Art! Reflections of Soviet Modernity in Estonian Art under Late Socialism

Kayim, E. Seda: Stasi as Architectural Producer. Surveillance and Scientific Management in the East German Built Environment 1961-1989

Kerdová, Lenka: Prague Interwar Architecture from German Speaking Architects

Kofel, Weronika: Construction of Wooden Altars in XVII and XVIII Century and the Problem of their Conservation on the Example of Monumental Altars in Toruń

Kotasek, Robert: Die Funktion des Künstlerbuches in der tschechoslowakischen Konzeptkunst nach 1968

Krawczyk, Anna: Group Rituals of the School of Fine Arts in Warsaw in the Interwar Period

Krzemińska-Szołtysek, Sylwia: Sepulchral Art in Upper Silesia between 1520 and 1740

Kuberlinov, Basan: The Houses of Soviets. Soviet Architecture and Socio-political Change of 1920-30s

Kulka, Rahul: Power, Dynastic Identity and the Visual Politics of the Dukes of Prussia, 1525-1618

Kwiecińska, Maja: Die Rolle der Ringstraßen in den schlesischen Städten im 19. Jh. und in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jhs.

Lapinska, Eva: The Semiotic Aspects of 20th Century Totalitarian Regime Commissioned Visual Arts

Lanko, Maria: Photography as Performance and Participation in the Work of Kharkiv Unofficial Artists in the 1960–1980s

Larsson, Camilla: Politics of Appearance. Tadeusz Kantor´s Art in Sweden 1958 – 2018

László, Laura: “Blow up”. Framing and Zooming as an Artistic Device in Attila Szűcs’s and Elżbieta Janicka’s Works

Majewska-Güde, Karolina: An Atlas of Ewa Partum’s Artistic Practice. Horizontal Monograph

Maximova, Marina: Curatorial Authority and Construction of Public(s). Moscow Curatorial School 1974-1993

Minea, Cosmin: Is Nationalism Everywhere? The Case of Romanian Architects in the Late 19th Century

Morawski, Konrad: Artistic Foundations of Jan Bonawentura Krasiński

Morzé, Irina von: Die Krumauer Sammelhandschrift aus der Bibliothek des Prager Nationalmuseums (Cod. III B 10) und die mit dieser Werkstatt in Verbindung stehenden Handschriften

Niemira, Konrad: How German Was the Polish “French Century”? Artistic Transfers between Paris and Warsaw 1730-1810

Orel, Ekaterina: Under pressure. The Images of the Italian Renaissance in the Higher Architectural Education in the USSR in the Age of Stalinism

Ostermüller, Ella: Das Historische Museum und die Tret‘jakov-Galerie als Orte nationaler Identitätsbildung

Pais, Adriana Nausica: Raising Awareness through Dance

Pietroch, Alexandra: Der Utopieraum als politischer Raum. Zur Materialität und Imagination des Himmlischen Jerusalem innerhalb der Heiligkreuzkapelle auf Burg Karlstein

Puzić, Amila: Art Practices and Strategies in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1992 to 1999

Rochow, Frank: Architektur und Herrschaft. Gesamtstaatskonzeption und militärische Präsenz in den habsburgischen Provinzen Lombardo-Venetien und Galizien-Lodomerien, 1849-1859

Salamon, Gáspár: Disziplinäre Grenzüberschreitungen in der technischen Architektenausbildung in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts in Wien und Budapest

Sedova, Maria: Creativity of the Artist Nikolai Polissky in the Context of Russian Land Art. The Problem of Self-Determination of Russian Land Art

Şerban, Ioana: The New or the Limited Edition of Presents

Sergiej, Dominika: Artistic Experiment in Photography on the Basis of Polish Female Artists Working from the 1970s till 2015

Skarupsky, Petra: Exchange of Exhibitions between Poland and Czechoslovakia during the Cold War

Skopalová, Eva: The Anachronistic Conception of History and Its Impact on the “Story” of Czech Art

Sobocińska, Małgorzata: Performance Art in Public Space by Women Artists from Communist and Post-Communist Central and Eastern Europe

Stasińska, Agata: The Late Gothic Crucifixes from Lower Silesia. Monography and Catalog of Works

Szender, Orsolya: Großfigurige Skulpturengruppen der Passion Christi – Modalitäten religiöser Bildbetrachtung

Szymański, Michał: Common Places and Imaginary Places. Reception of Art in Computer Games

Tetermazova, Zalina V.: Image “Reflections”. The Question of Relationship between Russian Portrait Painting and Engraving in the Second Half of the 18th Century

Tuka, Peter: Avant-Garde and Post-War Totalitarianism. Július Koller and Conceptual Art under Communism

Ulahelova, Anna: Development of Graphic Design in Slovakia after 1989. Position of Graduates from Department of Visual Communication in Bratislava

Veress, Dániel: Architecture as Nation-Building. Searching for National Styles in Hungary and in Europe, 1850s–1925

Vinogradova, Ekaterina: The National Imagination of Post-Soviet Countries at the Venice Biennale. The (Re)Construction of National Identity

Voronina, Nadezhda: Russische Künstler auf den internationalen Kunstausstellungen im Münchner Glaspalast 1888-1931

Walczak, Dorota: What Kind of the Icon Did the Members of the Committee for the Care of Russian Icon Painting (1901 – 1917) Want? A Vision of Russian Icon Painting in the ”Podlinnik” by Nikodim Kondakov

Watterott, Kristin: Die kollektiven Aktivitäten der tschechischen Surrealisten in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren

Welbl, Stanisław: Marxist Art Theory as an Art History Research Method in Post War Poland

Wojdak, Ewelina: Photogrammetry in the Network of Politics and Entrepreneurship. Albrecht Meydenbauer in the Province of Posen in 1885 and 1887