Beiträge/Papers 2019

VI. Internationales Doktorandenforum Kunstgeschichte des östlichen Europas / VI International Forum for Doctoral Candidates in East European Art History

Beiträge/Papers 2019


Antal, Barbara: Industrielle Baumaterialien in Bezug zu nationalen Identitätskonzepten in der ungarischen Architektur um 1900

Anulytė, Rūta: From Neglection, Destruction and Absence towards Preservation: Legacy of Jewish Sepulchral Heritage in Lithuania

Arlanova, Luidmila; Kolesov, Polikarp; Muller Velásquez, Daria: Suspiria: Physical Stress and Style of Dancing Witches

Bagušinskaitė, Eglė: The Influence of Industrial Revolution on Furniture Development in Vilnius City in the Second Half of 19th – the Beginning of the 20th Century

Bartlová, Anežka: Conditions and Prerequisites of Art Criticism in 1960s Czechoslovakia

Bérešová, Simona: Fotografie an der Kunstgewerbeschule in Bratislava (1928-1939)

Binder, Carolin: Karel Teige, die Gruppe Devětsil und das Bauhaus. Ein deutsch-tschechisches Netzwerk der Moderne

Brzostowska, Izabella: Conrad Steinbrecht – Konservator und Forscher der mittelalterlichen Architektur des Deutschordenslandes in Preußen

Bytelnova, Denisa: Outlines of Social Practice in CEE

Campeau, Marilyn: Drawing the Frontiers: Daily Life of Soviet Artist-Combatants through Their WWII Visual and Written Narratives

Curcă, Roberta: Socialist Welcome Signs and Border Marks: Hospitality, Hostility and Heritage in (Post)-Communist Romania

Daraškevičius, Marius: Decently Dining. Modernizing Dining Rooms and Related Spaces in Lithuanian Manor Houses in the 19th Century

Deeb, Maria: „Konstantin Melnikov, Architekt“. Der evolutionäre Weg zur sowjetischen Architektur (1917-1974)

Derado, Dora: Provoking Art History: Ready-Mades and Changes in the Perception and Status of Artworks (Reflections on 20th Century Art and Visual Culture in Croatia) – The Transposition of Artistic Phenomena from Metropolises to Eastern Europe

Eimre, Elise: Regarding Production Design. A Neoformalist Approach to the Visual Design of Estonian Feature Films

Eliseeva, Elizaveta: Differences and Common Aspects of Action of T.G. Masaryk and V. Havel in Czech Society

Ficková, Barbora: Formation of the Canon of Czech Modern Art History

Geibinger, Franziska: Die Funktionstypen der Darstellung der Erhebung der behaarten Maria Magdalena in ihrer Entwicklung zum bestimmenden „Kultbild“

Harasimowicz, Julia: Children and National Identity. Towards the Exhibition in 1920 in Warsaw

Heisig, Johanna: Bilderwelten und Weltbilder. Kunst und Ethnographie in Russland zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts

Iżykowska-Uszczyk, Agata: Links between Polish Performative Art of Women Artists and Western Art

Jász, Borbála: Modern Technology under Façadism: Aesthetical Foundations of Socialist Realism and Soviet Modernism in Eastern Central-European Urban Design

Jõekalda, Kristina: Local and National in the Baltic Heritage Discourse

Jonas, Lorena: Space-Time in the Interwar Avant-Garde

Juhasz, Balint: The Italian Trend of the Interwar Hungarian Neoclassicism Art in Transylvania

Kaczmarek, Adrianna: Polish Self-Portraits in Printing. Self-Reflexivity within Artist Groups and Schools

Kalinauskas, Justinas: The Change in the Relationship between Theatre and Reality in the Context of Lithuanian Theatre

Kempińska, Luiza: Artistic and Curatorial Emancipatory Practices Concerning HIV/AIDS during the 1990s Transformation Period in Poland

Khosroshvili, Tamar: Ecclesiastical Paintings in Georgia from 1801 to 1918

Kodzhabasheva, Ani: Living in the “Shatterzone of Empires“: Architecture in Sofia after the Last Russo-Ottoman War, ca. 1878-1900

Kofel, Weronika: Construction of Wooden Altars in XVII and XVIII Century and Their Conservation Problematic on the Example Monumental Altar in Toruń

Kolesov, Polikarp: Re-Conceptualisation of Shamanism in the Performance Art

Korbel, Tomáš: Changes in the Social Status of Architects and Builders in the Czech Lands in the Second Half of the 19th Century

Kotasek, Robert: Kunstobjekt oder Dokument? Zur Funktion des Künstlerbuches in der tschechoslowakischen Konzeptkunst nach 1968

Kuberlinov, Basan: The Houses of Soviets: Soviet Architecture and Socio-Political Change of 1920-30s

Kwiecińska, Maja: Die Rolle der Ringstraßen in den schlesischen Städten im 19. Jahrhundert und in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts

Lexová, Petra: Horizons of Perception. Research of Czech Object Sculpture Art in Period 1950–1989. Reflection of a Phenomenological Methodology in the Artworks of Stanislav Kolíbal

Larsson, Camilla: Politics of Appearance. A Historiographical Study of the Art of Tadeusz Kantor with Focus on Sweden from 1958

Lindenhayn-Fiedorowicz, Agnieszka: Die Marienkirche zu Stargard in Pommern. Baugeschichte und kunsthistorische Stellung

Maihoub, Amani: The Importance of Being Otherwise: The Politics and Aesthetic of the Serbian Cultural Underground

Mikulcová, Anežka: Portrait Silhouette in the Czech Lands from the 18th to the 19th Century

Minea, Cosmin: Beyond the East and the West: Intellectual Networks and Restoration of Historical Monuments in 19th Century Romania

Montua, Svetlana Jevtovic: Is there a Non-Aligned Art? Politics of Exhibitions and Artistic Relations in Socialist Yugoslavia between 1945 and 1968

Morzé, Irina von: Die Krumauer Sammelhandschrift aus der Bibliothek des Prager Nationalmuseums (Cod. III B 10) und die mit dieser Werkstatt in Verbindung stehenden Handschriften

Narauskaite, Gintare: Representations of Men and the Politics of the Manhood in the 20th – Late 21st Century Lithuanian Theatre of Drama

Niemira, Konrad: Artistic Transfers between Paris and Warsaw 1730-1810

Orel, Ekaterina: Under Pressure: The Images of the Italian Renaissance in the Higher Architectural Education in the USSR in the Age of Stalinism

Ostermüller, Ella: Das Historische Museum und die Tret‘jakov-Galerie als Orte nationaler Identitätsbildung

Otdelnova, Vera: Moscow Union of Artists. Art and Politics in the Soviet Union in the 1960s and 1970s

Papp, Nicoleta Mihaela: NSK State. How the Citizens Are Gaining More Power

Pierce, Chelsea: “We Are Not Gorgona”: Defining the Spirit of the Gorgona Group, 1959-1966

Prikhodko, Natalia: Art as a Form of Life: Artistic Practices of the Moscow Conceptualism in the 1970s – First Half of the 1980s

Protić, Dijana: The Digital and Multimedia Art in Croatia and Slovenia from 1988 to 2008

Pukhovitskaya, Valeria: Fashion & Politics: Transformations & Mediations of Identity in Russia since 2014

Pūtele, Anna: Kārlis Baltgailis (1893-1979). Life and Art

Rakojević, Luka: City and Identity – Cultural Map of Nikšić

Redaelli, Maria: Multimedia Art in Russia: Outbreak and Development Dynamics (1991-2018)

Rees, Eleanor: The Kino-khudozhnik and the Material Environment in Early Russian and Soviet Fiction Cinema, ca. 1907-1930

Rochow, Frank: Architektur und Herrschaft. Habsburgische Gesamtstaatskonzeption und militärische Präsenz in Galizien, 1849-1859

Salamon, Gáspár: Architekturlehre an der TH Budapest und der ungarische Architekturdiskurs (1864-1914)

Sapija, Mateusz: The Rise of Post-Democracy in Contemporary European Art

Sekelj, Sanja: Digital Art History and Artists’ Networks in Croatia of the 1990s and 2000s

Smith, Deirdre M.: Umjetnik radi: Stilinović, Šutej, and Trbuljak on Art, Work, and Life

Soans, Hanno: On the Socio-Political Background of Performance Art in Estonia during the Transition Period (1986-94)

Szczepańska, Barbara: In Search of Identity: Architecture and Urbanism in Opole Post-War Period (1945-2018)

Szymański, Michał: Between Art History and Ludology. Towards an Integrated Analysis of Computer Games

Tetermazova, Zalina V.: On the Question of National Identity: Printmaking Practice of Gavriil Skorodumov and James Walker in the Context of British-Russian Cultural Relations

Tilta, Evelina: Abstract Aesthetics: The Abstract Concept of Sublime and Beautiful in the Context of Contemporary Aesthetics

Tomkova, Denisa: Biopolitical Art in Central-Eastern Europe. Participatory Art in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland since 1960s up to Today

Tuka, Peter: Avant-Garde and Post-War Totalitarianism: Július Koller and Conceptual Art under Communism

Tveritneva, Victoria: André Lurçat and the Soviet Architecture

Veress, Dániel: Architecture as Nation-Building. Searching for National Styles in Hungary and Europe, 1850s-1925 (Comparative Overview of National Style Strivings)

Vinogradova Ekaterina: Narrating Victimhood. Post-Soviet Identities on Venice Biennale

Walczak, Dorota: How to Educate Iconographers? The Iconographic Schools of the Committee for Caring of Russian Iconic Painting (1901 – 1918) in Palekh, Mstyora, Kholuy and Borisovka

Watterott, Kristin: Samizdat als kollektive Strategie und kreative Praxis . Die Gruppenaktivitäten der tschechischen Surrealisten in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren

Wawryniuk, Alicja: Fresken des Krakauer Franziskanerklosters im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert

Wichlińska, Marta: Das Kaiserviertel in Posen (Poznań) als Beispiel der repräsentativen Architektur in den Grenzgebieten des Zweiten Deutschen Kaiserreiches